How do I disable BNB payments for trading fees on Binance?

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Tutorial on disabling BNB payments for trading fees with Binance

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One Click Crypto
May 18, 2021
May 18

Some bots trading BNB pairs are getting the below notification even though no manual trades/transactions were made using their BNB balance:

Not Enough Assets on Binance xx/xx/xxxx xx:xx:xx Bot (AI type) (BNB market pair) does not have enough BNB to make a sell-market trade on Binance. It could have happened if you recently manually traded on Binance. Update your balance on Binance to have at least x.xxxx BNB

To avoid this from happening, users with active bots trading BNB market pairs on Binance can disable the functionality that allows fees to be taken from the BNB balance.

If you are already running into this notification on your BNB bot, get in touch and we will sort it out for you.

How can I enable/disable the "Using BNB to pay for fees" function?

You can enable/disable the function anytime by:

  1. Clicking on your profile avatar and clicking on the "Dashboard" option
  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and on the right side you will see the "Your Trading Fee Level" section
  2. Disable the "Using BNB Deduction (25% discount)" toggle on the "Spot Trading Fee" subsection

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