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One Click Crypto Gets Support From Arbitrum To Transform DeFi Analysis with AI-Driven Insights
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January 7, 2024

One Click Crypto Gets Support From Arbitrum To Transform DeFi Analysis with AI-Driven Insights

Yield Explorer is a comprehensive tool that aggregates and simplifies DeFi data for easy understanding

One Click Crypto Gets Support From Arbitrum To Transform DeFi Analysis with AI-Driven Insights

In the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance (DeFi), we often find ourselves lost in a sea of complex data and fluctuating yields. The challenge of sifting through overwhelming information has left many feeling confused and uncertain.

In one of the recent Questbook Arbitrum Grant campaigns, One Click Crypto’s grant proposal to deploy a new product on Arbitrum — Yield Explorer — was accepted.

Screenshot of One Click Crypto proposal from the Arb Questbook Grant Proposal dashboard

Introducing Yield Explorer

Yield Explorer is a groundbreaking online platform that demystifies DeFi, making it accessible and understandable for everyone. It’s your personal guide in the complex world of decentralized finance.

Yield Explorer for DeFi is like…

Bloomberg Terminal for Finance: Known for providing financial data and analytics, Yield Explorer is similar to a Bloomberg Terminal for the DeFi space, offering comprehensive data and insights.

Wikipedia for Information: Wikipedia is a comprehensive information source; Yield Explorer is a comprehensive source for all things DeFi.

Google Maps for Travel: Just as Google Maps guides travelers, Yield Explorer is a navigational tool for exploring the DeFi landscape.

IMDb for Movies: IMDb is the definitive source for movie information; Yield Explorer serves a similar role for information on DeFi pools.

AI-Powered Yield Optimization

Yield Explorer introduces a few AI features that improve DeFi research and portfolio management.

  • AI Portfolio Assistant: Using the comprehensive database of DeFi opportunities, construct robust risk-optimized yield portfolios.
  • AI Personalization Engine: Scan your wallet address, answer a short quiz, and explore opportunities relevant to you.
  • AI Risk Aggregator: Get a 360-degree view of your portfolio from all the potential risk vectors.

Other Unique Features

Yield Explorer is far superior to an average yield aggregator. In addition to AI, it bolsters a unique set of features that makes it more appealing to the mass market:

  • Complete Database: Yield Explorer contains information about 10,000+ DeFi pools and strategies, giving you a complete overview of yield opportunities.
  • Transparent Risk and Safety Scores: Each pool in the Yield Explorer database has a 1–10 “safety score”, giving you full transparency of the risks involved. The scores are aggregated from trusted auditor providers like DefiSafety, Redefine, CertiK, and more.
  • Yield Composability Map: Find out how to utilize and boost your existing DeFi positions on other DeFi protocols with Yield Explorer’s Composability Map. It maintains a complete database of how various DeFi pools and protocols are interconnected with each other giving you a better overview of what you can do with your yield.
  • Airdrop Tracker: Yield Explorer shows additional airdrops you can potentially get by using any given DeFi pool or protocol. Let it be an incentive program boost or a future token airdrop, it will be displayed on a Yield Explorer interface.

How It Works

One Click Crypto user experience is very streamlined and allows seamless onboarding into web3.

Step 1: Connect your wallet or paste your address

To view your personalized analysis, you use your existing wallet address or simply view demo to check the default version.

Screenshot from

Step 2: Answer a short quiz

Answer a 10-step questionnaire to build your personalized profile.

Screenshot from

Step 3: Wait for the analysis

Let the system to process your input.

Screenshot from

Step 4: View your DeFi portfolio

Finally, your portfolio is generated and can be analyzed.

Screenshot from

(coming soon) Risk Aggregator

Understand the risks related to DeFi strategies in your portfolio by reviewing its ratings and audits provided by third-party security providers.

“Risk Analytics” section. Note: the information displayed is for illustration purposes.

(coming soon) Yield Composability and Airdrop Tracking

“Airdrops and Yield Composability” section. Note: the information displayed is for illustration purposes.

See additional rewards and airdrops you can earn by using strategies and pools from your portfolio. Explore “Linked Strategies” to find more ways to boost yield for this strategy.

What’s Next?

Next, Yield Explorer will be released on the Arbitrum network with 1,000+ supported pools and strategies from dozens of protocols.

Following the Yield Explorer Arbitrum launch features such as Airdrop Tracker and Yield Composability Map will be released.

Finally, One Click Crypto will deploy one-click zaps so that anyone can directly deposit into Arbitrum yield portfolios with just a single click.

Sign up for the waitlist today and start earning points for the upcoming early adopter airdrop:

One Click Labs

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